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Hello and welcome to our web site. Here you will find the finest in forged cutlery, custom longrifles and fowlers, handcrafted leather goods and woven items. Most of our work is based on designs from America's early history.
I have been forging knives and tomahawks since 1994 and have been a full time maker since 1999. I am a member of the American Bladesmith Society and Jeanne and I are both members of the Contempoary Longrifle Association.
Jeanne creates all of the leather work to go along with my knives. She also makes accoutrements for the muzzleloader shooter and reenactor; such as hunting pouches, haversacks, hand-woven powder horn straps and many more items.
Check out our For Sale page for any items we may have in stock. Before ordering please read the Ordering Info on our Contact and Order page.
We hope you enjoy browsing our site and if you get to a show that we're attending, be sure and stop by and say hello. We always enjoy meeting our customers and making new friends. Rich and Jeanne McDonald
I have been forging knives and tomahawks since 1994 and have been a full time maker since 1999. I am a member of the American Bladesmith Society and Jeanne and I are both members of the Contempoary Longrifle Association.
Jeanne creates all of the leather work to go along with my knives. She also makes accoutrements for the muzzleloader shooter and reenactor; such as hunting pouches, haversacks, hand-woven powder horn straps and many more items.
Check out our For Sale page for any items we may have in stock. Before ordering please read the Ordering Info on our Contact and Order page.
We hope you enjoy browsing our site and if you get to a show that we're attending, be sure and stop by and say hello. We always enjoy meeting our customers and making new friends. Rich and Jeanne McDonald

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."